Thursday, May 15, 2008

Big News

Warning Warning:Osama Bin Laden Is Not Dead Yet He Is Still alive i also don't quite belive But I 98% belive warning dun go afghanistan.Osama Is Hiding He Has Underground Networt Till The whole U.S.A-India he use Mas Selamat To Hi-Jack One Plane in changi airport but it fail.....=)So Stupid....This Is all he Information

Information From:Damian Tay Shu Yuan

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

911 Truth

Court Clears Way for 9/11 Illness Lawsuit
By Joseph Goldstein, Staff Reporter of the SunMarch 26, 2008A federal appeals court has refused to give New York City immunity from the lawsuits of thousands of city workers and construction laborers who say they now suffer from respiratory illnesses after they helped clean up ground zero in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
The lawsuits claim that the city failed to ensure that ground zero was a safe work place. High among the claims is the assertion that the city failed to enforce rules requiring workers to wear respirators while working amid the toxins and rubble.
Citing the unprecedented nature of the disaster, New York City and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, both defendants in the suits, have argued that they are entitled to immunity from the claims. The defendants say they cannot be required to pay out to the workers what could amount to billions of dollars in damages.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

osama Could Be found In...

Where is Osama bin Laden? Only Osama Bin Laden and his supporters know for sure. His al-Qaeda group is mainly based in the south, in the Tora Bora area.
The US has attacked training camps and cave systems thought to be sheltering Bin Laden and his followers.
Now the Taleban have lost their grip on the country, it's possible that somebody who knows where he is may betray his location.Found In

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mas selamat related to Osama

I just saw the news paper that mas selamat is 80% related to osama bin laden do you i dun really belive lar that last time osama trained mas selamat dun khow when but will find out soon.......=)remember to tagged b4 leaving=)thx...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Suicide attack

This is wad happen in a suicide attack is damn digusting body explode brain splatter yikess>>>

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This is a newest terrorist news

Police report

This is a terrorist call Mas Selamat bin Kastari escape from the whitley road detention centre at 4:05pm on 27th feb 2008 in singapore mas selamt was the leader of the singapore JI network He walk with a limp on the left leg and is persently at large he is not khown to be armed.Anyone who renders assistance to him is commiting a grave offence. "Call 999 immediately if you see him"

The new world trade centre

After the terrorist attack on the old world trade centre the american are building a new world trade centre is completing soon this is a picture of the new world trade centre>>>

World Trade Centre

Want to khow about who bomb the world trade centre is just not a accedent is a terrorist attack by:Osama Bin Laden is also call a suicide attack the plane is a jet stream osama hijack the plane want learn more go for more information on terrorrist>>>

C4 Explosive

This is a C4 explosive bomb wad terrorist like to use when terrorist use it is call "suicide terorrist".here is a C4 pic and the denonator>>

This is saddam hussien

Saddam is a president of IRAQ why they want to execute him no answer i will give you more information on Saddam from this is a picture of Saddam execution saddam was caught in toilet doing crap the U.S army shot he door and never even let Saddam wipe his butt this information is found on here is the pic>>>

This is a misile silo

This missile silo s where they launch a nuclear missile>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is where america kept there're power plant

The map where they bulit nuclear reator>

This is a nuclear power plant

a nuke power plant the smoke is more lighter and strong to make raidiation to the missile silos>>>there is a nuke power plant>>>In another word is call nuclear reator.>

A Automic bomb

This is a automic bomb look like and how it work>>>

A bUnch of AK-47 Bullet

aK-47 bullets>>>

Oh Yes,Osama Founded dead kill by who????

Killed by who,who khows american army founded osama dead in near mountain lukesia is it my teacher says it??

This is osama bin laden son omar bin laden and his wife

There he is he say he want his father to stop the violence and the pink shirt is his wife>>>And hor this is Osama Right Hand I not really sure in they say wonder its real or fake????

This is a nuclear bomb.....boom!!!!

This a nuclear bomb when it touch the ground inside it have radiation in becarefull not to get near any nuke missile or u die and melt cost by the raidiation!!!

Ak-47 bullet sharper than M16 bullet

This is a bunch of M16 bullet>>>>

This is a Ak-47

This a Ak-47 more better than M16

A M16 gun

This is a M16 gun

This is Osama Bin Laden

OsaMa Bin Laden >>>

A bunch of M16 Bullet!!!

A bunch Of M16 Bullet here>>>>